W8MD medical weight loss plan is based on the following simple principles. W8MD Physicians understand that weight loss is a complex process that needs careful monitoring by an obesity medicine physician well versed with the concepts in obesity medicine.
In order to help you lose weight, the W8MD program aims to supply the body with nutrition at a regular interval with limited calories but adequate protein and other nutrition the body needs.
The simplest way to provide the balanced nutrition at very limited calories is to use prepackaged meal replacement diet plans such as VLCD(Very Low Calorie Diet) or LCD(Low Calorie Diet) Plans. However, you can choose to prepare your own meals with instructions from W8MD.
Glycemic Index of Foods
If you were to make your own meals, the W8MD program requires you to understand the glycemic index of foods. The higher the glycemic index, the higher the demands on the body to produce insulin.
Consuming high glycemic index foods can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance leading to a condition called metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance syndrome. Affecting one in three Americans, metabolic syndrome increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and a host of other conditions including increased risk of certain cancers.
Think protein
As we evolved as hunter’s and gatherers, we are genetically programmed to eat protein, vegetables, nuts, and fruits. As agriculture is only 10,000 years old as opposed to the age of human race, we have not fully adopted to the primarily grain based agricultural product consumption. W8MD understands this and emphasizes the fact that, when carbohydrates are supplied to the body without adequate amount of protein, it leads to fat tissue accumulation and decrease in lean body mass, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
Think Low Carb.
Supplying the body with high glycemic carbohydrates without adequate protein leads to insulin resistance, the root cause of metabolic syndrome leading to belly fat, risk of diabetes, heart disease and other health issues including increased risk of cancer. Learn more about W8MD meal replacements…
About W8MD weight loss, sleep & medspasPronounced weightMD, our state of the art W8MD physician medical weight loss, sleep, holistic IV nutrition and aesthetic medicine programs can help you not only to lose weight, and sleep better but also look your best! |