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W8MD Weight Loss Bars
How do you treat obesity? What are the clinically proven ways to lose weight?
Obesity is treated using one or more of these clinically proven weight loss strategies:
∎ a diet low in calories either a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) or Low Calorie Diet (LCD) diet.
∎ increased physical activity in combination with a reduced calorie diet
∎ behavior therapy for changing eating habits
∎ prescription medications or diet pills to suppress hunger, reduce cravings and increase appetite
∎ weight-loss surgery also called bariatric surgery
Having said the above, now let us review how VLCD and LCD diet plans work and how protein weight loss supplements might help in weight loss.
What is a VLCD Diet for weight loss and why they use protein supplements?
A VLCD is a special weight loss diet that provides up to 800 calories per day under careful physician supervision.
What makes VLCD diet different from any low calorie diet?
A VLCD diet is previously called Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) which actually better reflects what this diet is than the new term VLCD diet as it is not just any low calorie or very low calorie diet but a special weight loss diet that is specially formulated with protein and very low in overall calories for fast weight loss results.
Protein shakes for fast weight loss
Protein shakes for fast weight loss – do they work?
Using protein based liquid or solid meal replacements for weight loss has been a clinically proven strategy to help one lose weight and to maintain it. Before we look at how the protein supplements work for fast weight loss results, let us review the science and art of how obesity is treated.
Protein powder, protein shakes, protein bars and other weight loss supplements
A very low-calorie diet (VLCD) is not just any diet that is low in calories. It is a special type of diet that replaces all of your meals with prepared formulas, often in the form of liquid shakes. A VLCD may be used for a short time to promote quick weight loss among some people who are considered to be obese. The diet requires close care from your doctor and is usually combined with other ways to lose weight. This fact sheet will tell you more about the risks and benefits of this type of diet. Do not go on a VLCD on your own. If you need to lose weight, talk to your health care provider about the approaches that may work best for you.
Protein shakes, protein bars and other protein weight loss supplements
VLCDs use commercial formulas, usually liquid shakes, soups, or bars, which replace all your regular meals. These formulas are not the same as the meal replacements you can find at grocery stores or pharmacies, which are meant to replace one or two meals a day. Depending on a number of factors, healthy adults need different amounts of calories to meet their daily energy needs. A standard amount is about 2,000 calories. VLCDs provide far fewer calories than most people need to maintain a healthy weight. This type of diet is used to promote quick weight loss, often as a way to jump-start an obesity treatment program. VLCD formulas are designed to provide all of the nutrients you need while helping you lose weight quickly.
Should I use a VLCD to lose weight?
Most people who need to lose weight should not use a VLCD. For many of them, a low-calorie diet (LCD) may work better (see box on next page). VLCDs may be used to promote rapid weight loss among adults who have obesity. Health care providers must review risks and benefits on a case-by-case basis. In general, VLCDs are not appropriate for children. In a few cases, they may be used with some adolescents who are being treated for obesity.
What are the health benefits of a VLCD?
A VLCD may allow you to lose about 3 to 5 pounds per week. This may lead to an average total weight loss of 44 pounds over 12 weeks. Such a weight loss can rapidly improve medical conditions linked to obesity, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
What are the benefits of VLCD’s rapid weight loss?
The rapid weight loss experienced by most people on a VLCD can be very motivating. Patients who participate in a VLCD program that also includes lifestyle changes may lose about 15 to 25 percent of their initial weight during the first 3 to 6 months. They may maintain a 5 percent weight loss after 4 years if they adopt a healthy eating plan and physical activity habits.
What are the health risks of a VLCD?
Doctors must monitor all VLCD patients regularly—ideally every 2 weeks in the initial period of rapid weight loss—to be sure patients are not experiencing serious side effects. Many patients on a VLCD for 4 to 16 weeks report minor side effects such as fatigue, constipation, nausea, or diarrhea. These conditions usually improve within a few weeks and rarely prevent patients from completing the program. The most common serious side effect is gallstones. Gallstones, which often develop in people who are obese, especially women, may be even more commonly developed during rapid weight loss. Some medicines can prevent gallstones from forming during rapid weight loss.
Will I regain the weight?
Although the long-term results of VLCDs vary widely, weight regain is common. To prevent weight regain, the VLCD should always be combined with other ways to lose weight and with an active follow-up program.
Weight is a long term problem, and treatment should be long term!
For most people who have obesity, the condition is long term and requires a lifetime of attention even after formal methods to treat the obesity end. You may need to commit to permanent changes of healthier eating, regular physical activity, and an improved outlook about food
The Low-calorie Diet (LCD) An LCD limits calories, but not as much as a VLCD.
A typical LCD may provide
∎ 1,000–1,200 calories/day for a woman
∎ 1,200–1,600 calories/day for a man
The number of calories may be adjusted based on your age, weight, and how active you are.
What does LCD diet consist of and can it contain meal replacements?
An LCD usually consists of regular foods, but could also include meal replacements.
W8MD weight loss sleep and medspa services
How can the W8MD’s weight loss meal replacements help me lose weight?
W8MD’s unique, delicious and affordable VLCD meal replacements can be a great tool in helping you lose weight fast and safe! As W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers weight loss supplements come in many different flavors and varieties including protein powder, protein shakes, ready made protein shakes, protein cereal for breakfast, protein snacks, protein lunch and dinner items, hot teas, protein dessert items, and all kinds of weight loss protein supplements, you will have a wide choice to choose from.
Can I take the W8MD meal replacements along with appetite suppressant medications?
Yes, it is safe to use the VLCD and LCD diet together with any appetite suppressant medications.
How much does the W8MD meal replacement supplements cost?
Although most weight loss programs charge over $5.00 per meal replaced, at most W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers, the cost of each meal replaced is as low as $2.15 per meal replaced. Compared to grocery food ingredient cost of about $3.00 per meal, our weight loss supplements are not only affordable but can also be a potential cost saving compared to grocery food costs!
How many meals should I replace?
You can replace 2-4 meals in partial meal replacement plans as you are supposed to eat 4-6 small meals overall.
Should I do complete meal replacements or partial meal replacements?
It is up to you to do partial or complete meal replacements although you get more consistent results and less chances for going over caloric intake in complete meal replacements. However, most people find partial meal replacement of 3-4 meals replaced with one self prepared meals to be a bit more practical for them.
What is the evidence for using meal replacement supplements for weight loss?
1. Science of why protein meal replacements are better than standard diets for weight loss – Cheskin LJ, Mitchell AM, Jhaveri AD, Mitola AH, Davis LM, Lewis RA, Yep MA, Lycan TW.
In this study evaluating Efficacy of meal replacements versus a standard food-based diet for weight loss in type 2 diabetes, weight loss at 34 weeks and weight maintenance at 86 weeks was significantly better on Portion Controlled Diet versus Standard Diet. Approximately 40% of the Portion Controlled Diet participants lost > or =5% of their initial weight compared with 12% of those on the Standard Diet.
3. Meta-analysis of 6 studies looking at the evidence for partial meal replacements for better weight losscompared to regular diets – Heymsfield SB, van Mierlo CA, van der Knaap HC, Heo M, Frier HI.
This first systematic evaluation of randomized controlled trials utilizing PMR plans for weight management suggests that these types of interventions can safely and effectively produce significant sustainable weight loss and improve weight-related risk factors of disease.
W8MD’s 8 point weight loss method
Here is an easy to remember and simple 8 points about W8MD physician supervised medical weight loss program.
1. 8 amazing weeks of weight loss!
2. 800-1200 calorie Meal Replacement Plans or food prepared with our instruction.
3. Walk 8000 steps a day, not counting activities of daily living.
4. Drink 8 glasses of water or more a day
5. Sleep up to 8 hours a day
6. Lose Weight and get closer to your figure 8 body! *
7. Think W8MD for Weight loss!
8. Costing as low as 8 dollars a day for 3 meals replaced, W8MD meal replacement is one of the most affordable!
* The meal replacement is optional.
About W8MD weight loss, sleep & medspasPronounced weightMD, our state of the art W8MD physician medical weight loss, sleep, holistic IV nutrition and aesthetic medicine programs can help you not only to lose weight, and sleep better but also look your best! |