Mistakes to avoid for weight loss
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8 Things You Can Do To Avoid Weight Gain!
1. Avoid High Glycemic Foods and Think Protein!
When people were fed high glycemic foods, they consumed up to 55 percent more foods as they get hungry sooner! The high glycemic foods include white rice, breads, bagels, cheerios, most cereals, donuts, sweets, cakes, cookies, French fries, soft drinks and other sugary foods. This also leads to insulin resistance, and risk of metabolic problems such as pre-diabetes or diabetes and increases unhealthy belly fat!
2. Stop Looking At The Food!
41.7% of obese people took seats that directly faced the buffet, as opposed to seats out of eyesight of the food. Looking at food (not on our table) makes our body and mind less full and feel we have more work to do, i.e. eat more. Keep food stored away and not laying out during the day.
3. Start With A Smaller Plate!
When two plates were offered, 98.6% of people with a higher BMI(Body Mass Index) took the larger plate in a buffet line. A larger plate will fool your brain into thinking you’re eating less than you actually are. Use a smaller plate, get a smaller waist line.
4. Do Not Eat All In The Plate!
During the study, 94% obese people cleaned their plates to the point of nothing being left. Forget your Mom’s advice and leave a little food left on the plate. Better waste than waist!
5. Chew More!
The researchers observed chewing of participants in the study. The heaviest one-third chewed their food almost 25% less than the leanest one-third. Slow down. Take your time. Chew your food.
6. Do not jump right in!
The most obese people didn’t take time to observe all the items on the buffet. They grabbed a plate and started in right away. The leanest took their time and made a lap of the buffet. In your day to day life, stop and think for a second before you eat. Often times that quick craving will slowly fade away.
7. Never Skip Breakfast or eat late dinners!
They call it the most important meal of the day for a reason. Skipping breakfast regularly increases your risk of obesity by 450%. Take the time to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. It will jump start your metabolism and leave you less hungry by lunch. If you start the day with protein, studies have shown that you consume less calories and be less hungry throughout the day.
A good and cheap source of protein would be eggs, cheese, yoghurt or meat! The cholesterol in the eggs is not a major concern as eggs have lecithin which is beneficial. If you are still concerned about cholesterol, you can just have the egg whites which have no cholesterol. Also eating late has been shown to contribute to insulin resistance and weight gain!
8. Eat With Chopsticks(or Fingers)!
Some buffets offer chopsticks. The clinically obese almost always opt for forks. Try using chopsticks around the home to slow down eating and create a feeling of fullness with less calories consumed.
How Can Weight MD Help?
If you are overweight or obese, have prediabetes, diabetes or other metabolic problems and need help losing weight safely and effectively without surgery, WeightMD’s Insurance Physician Medical Weight Loss Program Might Be Right For You! Learn more…
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